Species 5. Hoplocephalus bitorquatus.
Pale-headed Snake.
Estimated Numbers
Unknown numbers remain.
The Challenge
The challenge for humanity to save the Pale-headed Snake from extinction primarily involves combating habitat destruction, climate change, and the fragmentation of its limited range in southeastern Australia. This elusive snake relies on specific forest habitats, which are increasingly threatened by urban development, agriculture, and logging practices that lead to the loss of its preferred environments. Additionally, the snake’s low population density and reliance on particular prey species make it vulnerable to ecological changes.
About the work
— Pale-headed Snake…
…features a large-scale interactive point-cloud of a Pale-headed snake slowly rotating in darkness. Using an audio device normally used to measure seismic activity, the whole gallery floor listens to your movement in the space and the snake reacts accordingly. If you get too close, the snake, and its habitat disintegrate, only rebuilding when you move far enough away for it to no longer be concerned through hearing your movement.
The team is currently writing up this into an academic paper and more details will appear here soon.